The Pros and Cons of an Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Delete

Picture this: your engine isn’t performing the way you’d like. And it would sure help if you had it for your next job. Cue EGR deletes. Do you do an engine overhaul, replacement, or rebuild? Or, do you opt for an EGR delete? A what? Yes, an EGR delete. Certified Fleet Services here: having engine […]
Why Are They Called “Semi” Trucks? The Origin of the Name Explained

We’re all business here at Certified Fleet Services. That means no jokes, no laughs, no human touch, and no fun. Any discussion about the origins of some of our services— semi-trucks included? Nope. Not doing it. Sorry, but not sorry. Just kidding. If you’re looking for a team that has extensive knowledge of fleet vehicles […]